Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Jan 31 2012

Happy Tuesday, the last of January!

Sooo so much has been going on and todya was by far my most productive day this week! I did my first load of laundry at school.. instead of being lazy and dragging it all home for my mother to kindly do:) Instead i lugged it all over to the laundry building here at school and waited for it to be done then brought it back to my dorm and am folding it(had to take a break, i have no attention span..) Anyway im so proud of myself! the first time i have since the whole two years i have been at college! hahah
Anyways besides that i: got my car washed, actually got gas, got my oil changed, and went food shopping! all in like a total of maybe 3 hours most likely less.. i just didnt time myself! OH and im not done i still am going to the gym, doing my homework, a journal book for my southwest bio coarse, and studying for math! then taking a shower organizing my room and finishing my folding! Ahhh i will get it all done! i hope!
So one pet pieve of mine that really really irks me is rude people.. (WARNING RANT) So today at walmart when i went to get my oil changed.. i went inside to pay.. and sat there for lets say 15 min, then the walmart person said hold on i have to finish them up then take this phone call.. so i waited some more.. finally it was my turn and i was like oh im here to pay for my oil change and he said okay well page you over the walmart store when your cars done.. and i was like do you have my name? and he was like oh no! sorry and then he was like i dont see you on here.. blah blah blah so i ended up asking for a manager or someone who could help me better.(in a nice way, not in like a GET YOUR MANAGER kind of way)  and the other people who were ahead of me but were now seated behind me waiting for their car to get done started laughing and her husband?/boyfriend starting making like rawrrr cat noises on his phone.. let me just tell you these werent teenagers or even 28 year olds.. they had to be like 30+ i have never seen people act so immature in my life.. like arent adults supposed to set examples for the younger generation.. they just looked dumb...and made themseleves look like the rude trash they were.. UGH pissed me off.. totally made my blood boil. Got my oil changed there still none the less.. Ugh why cant people ever just stay true to the saying : "if you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything".

Todays the last day before Febuary! the start of a new month.. ahhh<33 I love new beginings! Valentines day dont forget;) So time to update with pictures of myself, friends, and things in my life!(all these photos in this part are my own!!)

today at walmart getting my oil changed with my roomate & friend jackie!

did my makeup:)

still waiting for my car to be done...

my boyfriend gave this to me last month as our 6month:)


(the end of my own photos in this post***)

Febuary a month of :

mmmm look how yummy these yogurt dipped strawberries are!

i want one of these<33

this is adorable!

loveee wearing fake eyelashes<33

cute cute cute<3

how cute !

teeny perfect cupcake:)

this bed is soooo cool!

marilyn monroe<3333

Style obsessions:


how cute & sophisticated!??!

ahhh alll these are perfection<333 totally my style inspiration!

Celeb outfit choices:

my idol kourtney kardashian<33 this outfit is too die for!<33

Cheryl Cole! So gorge!

Must see movies :

The Vow.. it looks amazing!

Most likely gonna be the best valentines/February movie<33 how romantic!

Big Miracle:
it looks so cute i love a love story and i love helping animals<333

Wierd.. but looks intersting! Albert Nobbs

Random pictures:
i love baby animals<33 so here are some cute baby animals! who doesnt love animals???


Bring it on, Febuary:) im ready!

(none of these photos in the post are mine unless otherwise stated)