Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! oct. 31 eeeek!

Bewareeeee the ghosts & gouls! SO todays halloween and what an erie perfect day! its overcast and looks like its about to rain any second! sketchy! i just love it! watching creepy ghost shows all day & BOO(my roomate) is doing my nails red for halloween! then this afternoon we are going to get spray tans.. oh god. and nom on yogurt mountain! then hand out candy to little kids.! SO lets rewind.. this weekend was amazing&relaxing! I went to the lightning game with babe & my parents<3 then i went to cracker barrel the next day with my boyfriend and we had perfect pancakes<333 and got a new oinker! i just had to have him hes the cutest little thing! it looks like a real pot belly pig! had to have ill post pics:) in a few when i upload them!

Friday, October 28, 2011

SO this is my romantic post:) i love romantic things its weird because im not a really public love/romantic person but i love a good romantic novel/book/movie/gesture! these are some of my favorites none of these photos quotes or pictures are mine, have a look!
definitely maybe...such a good movie highly recommended!
totally love their romance on gossip girl! its perfection!

love this movie, these two are perfect in it! so romantic and adorable!
no strings attached!

snuggle sesh;)

cutest wedding pics ever!

the notebook.. how perfect!

the last song<3 a fantastic book & movie

frisky friday!!! oct. 28

SO my friday consisted of my boyfriend coming over and bring my lunch :) chicken nuggets nommmm
thenn driving home and spending time with my family. nothing to crazy this friday night..lame i know.. im watching kendra! I actually like this show and its pretty entertaining. this week was a tough one :/ eeek alot of stress. But its the weekend nowww. so no more school talk haha. So i hope its a good weekend :) pretty bored tonight.. now watching dateline with my momma and my wittle babies(moo&sadie) i can smell the yummy cookies my mom freshly baked earlier tonight :) peanut butter with chocolate..ahh<333 i like writting because it somehow makes me sleepy and relaxes me. and i feel like carrie bradshaw haha(im a loser i know) but its just so fun! i just like getting my thoughts and feelings out. so my goals for this upcoming week are 1. to get a spray tan 2. work out with my roomate! 3. get all my school work done 4. and stay stress free. I wanna start working out again, not just to get fit, but it just makes you feel all around better plus i think it will help me sleep. Usually have such problems with this. hopefully not tonight! I NEED SLEEP. so here are some cute pics that inspired me today love them! they are from WEHEARTIT.COM(not my own photos)

(so wanna learn how to do my makeup like this)

(totally inspired by lc!!!)
llove the hat!


(totally obsessed with animal print!)

how cute!/neat!

how nice does this look....yes please?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

thirstyyyy thursday!! ayyyyye! oct. 27

SO alittle about me & what i have been up too! Finished my paper on "With the Old Breed" I loved the book but hate writing papers:( but i got it done thats all that matters! sooo this song is off a commericial on mtv but its stuck in my head so i thought i would share hahah


Anyways my boyfriend wants to take me to lunch so i guess im gonna do that then i have class then its the weekend!! this weeekend should be really good:) going to a hockey game with my parents and my boy! then just relaxinnngg yaaaay:)& hopefully working to make that $$$

So the other day i was doing observations for my teaching class and i could not believe how disrespectful the students were! this one student was getting annoyed at the teacher rightfully disciplining her as she had the audacity to tell the teacher "YOU GETTIN ON MY NERVES...." i was like uhhh... did that just happen.. and it didnt stop there. She went on to call this other girl "big bird" for like twenty min.. how rude!

Oh and i like this song too, weird at the beginning but it gets addicting!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

for my mother, my bestfriend, the love of my life and my home

Everything Mom

How did you find the energy, Mom
To do all the things you did,
To be teacher, nurse and counselor
To me, when I was a kid.

How did you do it all, Mom,
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can’t comprehend.

I see now it was love, Mom
That made you come whenever I'd call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mom
And I thank you for it all.

By Joanna Fuchs

                                                                   ( after skydiving!!!!!)

Nobody's Like You, Mom
Nobody's quite like you, Mom.
You're special in every way.
You cheer me up, you fill my cup
With tenderness, come what may.
Nobody loves me like you, Mom.
No matter what I do,
Good or bad, happy or sad,
You support me; You always come through.
Nobody's equal to you, Mom.
With you in my life, I'm blessed.
I love you so, and I want you to know
I think you're the very best!
By Joanna Fuchs

For me I never say it enough, that I love my mom. I know for a fact that if she was not here I would be lost. Sure i have my father who is also so important beyond words but for the things I can not go to my dad for there is my mom. One day a year does not give her the justice she needs for all she has done and continues to do. I could not even begin to write down everything she has done for me because it is impossible for me to remember or to write. She has been my hero, so strong and hopefull. Her strength gives me courage and her courage gives me strength.She has been skydiving, mountain climbing, skiing, anything you can image!!!! She has taught my beauty does not come from the outside, but from within. To love without holding back, and to be the best i can be. When i have failed or made a mistake she has taught me right from wrong but never judged me.She is the woman I wish to be when I am older. She is so beautiful and I just wanted to dedicate this one post to her, because i love her and always will<3

i think many people take their mothers for granted & one day they will regret it. Hopefully they can change it, and remember that she was the one who carried you and loved you from the moment she knew she was going to have you. A mother is with you for your whole life, to watch you grow and learn.(the photos below are not mine)